regulations.generator package


regulations.generator.api_reader module

regulations.generator.generator module

regulations.generator.html_builder module

regulations.generator.label module

regulations.generator.node_types module

regulations.generator.node_types.label_to_text(label, include_section=True, include_marker=False)[source]

Convert a label:list[string] into a human-readable string


Given the id parts from the JSON tree, convert to an id that can be used in the front end


Given a list of label parts, determine the associated node’s type

regulations.generator.notices module

regulations.generator.notices.add_depths(sxs, starting_depth)[source]

We use depth numbers in header tags to determine how titles are output.


Some children don’t have labels. We display those with their parents. The other children are displayed when they are independently, specifically requested.

regulations.generator.notices.find_label_in_sxs(sxs_list, label_id, fr_page=None)[source]

Given a tree of SXS sections, find a non-empty sxs that matches label_id. Some notices may have the same label appearing multiple times; use fr_page to distinguish, defaulting to the first


regulations.generator.section_url module

regulations.generator.subterp module

regulations.generator.title_parsing module


Handle items pointing to an appendix or supplement


Parse out parts of a section title.

regulations.generator.title_parsing.try_split(text, chars=(u'\u2014', '-'))[source]

Utility method for splitting a string by one of multiple chars

regulations.generator.toc module

regulations.generator.versions module

Module contents